Career & Technical Education (CTE) » CTE and Career Training Opportunities with City of Angels

CTE and Career Training Opportunities with City of Angels

City of Angels, because of its independent study format, offers students unique and exciting opportunities through our programs, and educational, industry and community partnerships. Some of our opportunities include:


1. Concurrent enrollment in Community Colleges – while not unique to City of Angels, City of Angels’ format allows for flexibility in scheduling, and for students to be concurrently enrolled in Community Colleges. Students can work towards an Associate of Arts degree, take transferable classes, learn a trade (welding, carpentry, electrician, plumbing, mechanic, barbering, cosmetology, and many more.) and/or professional certifications (logistics, cybersecurity, cloud computing, land surveying and many more) to help start his/her career.


2. LADWP (Los Angeles Department of Water and Power) – City of Angels and the LADWP have partnered on paid internship and training programs within the Department of Water and Power.


3. Metro – City of Angels and Metro have partnered on a paid internship program that helps students gain meaningful experience, make professional networking connections, and earn money.


4. The Building and Trades Council of L.A and Orange Counties – partnership in the trades council’s pre-apprenticeship program – a program sponsored by over 40 different trades unions, and 14 different trades.


5. Streetlights – a program to train young people for careers in the film and television industry, helping bring diversity to Hollywood.


6. Kollab – ABC7 and the Los Angeles County Alliance for Boys & Girls Clubs have designed a program to help build communities and economic growth by investing in our youth, so that future employees have the skills to compete and prosper in the global economy. Kollab is a pre-internship and professional training program for students, and it leads into paid internships with various companies within Kollab’s vast network.


7. Partnerships with local trades unions, such as the IBEW.


8. Partnerships with DACE, LA Unified’s Division of Adult and Career Education.


9. The Miguel Contreras Foundation – whose employment partners include U.P.S, Proterra electric bus manufacturer, and the Ironworkers Union.


10. Partnerships with David and Goliath advertising agency to provide exposure to careers in the advertising industry, training and internships.


11. Virtual Career Days – City of Angels has conducted, and regularly conducts virtual career days across the industry spectrum.


And many more opportunities!


City of Angels also has a full time Career and CTE Coordinator – Donal Kennedy, who is dedicated to helping students discover their passions, set and achieve their career goals.


Donal Kennedy   email: [email protected]


We also have a dedicated City of Angels College and Career Schoology page where information is shared on a very regular basis. Please join to learn of new opportunities.


Access code - HW4G-4P3R-5S2TN



Career Tech Ed Opportunities and Information
Saturday April 22, 2023 9am - 1pm
961 S. Euclid Avenue, Los Angeles, CA. 90023

Educational, Apprenticeship and Career Opportunities! Get hired!

Major Contractors, Trade Unions, Public Entities Educational Partners and Infrastructure Projects in Attendance
For more information [email protected]